Thursday, August 28, 2008


Summary 4 (top): While stretching out my object i accidentally created (what i thought was) a cracking like apearance. The objects seem to pull away from each other leaving a broken void behind. Using multiple copies of the objects, i created a type of screen that could perhaps be used to difuse light.


Summary 3 (top): I started this sequence by distorting my objects into pieces that were made up of curved shapes packed upon one another. They also seemed to flex around a central point within the objects. I then experimented in making both internal and external contemplative areas.


Summary 2(top): This technique started with flocking(at bottom). Once i had my flocking elements in place, i decided it looked too 2-dimensional, so i tried to extrude and give the objects some depth. In turn i have created a our facade to an internal space. Within this facade a backlit coloured glass panel would be featured. This might contrast well with polished concrete.


Summary 1 (Top) :This is using the tooling technique spiraling. My idea was using it to enclose a space using a spiraling design. The strucural elements overhead could be made from painted steal, with interconnecting glass panels in between, providing a sheltering path below.

My Viz version of concept model

(Top) This is my intial viz model of my spatial model on Andrew Denton. To start with i thought i could work with this model but it became to complex so i simplified it to just two objects (Below).